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Friday, June 10, 2011

Do what the Fortune Cookie Says

Well...here we sit. Me on one side of the screen, and you on the other reading these words. Maybe you are reading this because I have asked you to. ("Begged you," might be the better phrase.) Most likely you are reading this because you made a mistake...meant to go to another site. On the off chance that you came here of your own free will, I hope you find this blog entertaining.
It's not meant to change the world or solve any great life issues... I just hope to add a smile to your day.
It was my birthday two days ago, and it occurs to me I'm not getting any younger.(See...I'm full of clever observations.) I have always wanted to write a book, and by my count I have written exactly zero. I knew I would never write the Great American Novel, but seriously, I thought I could do better than zero. Maybe I could start a blog I thought. Seems like everyone has a blog...people I KNOW have blogs. A friend of mine has a blog highlighting her singing. She is extremely talented...extremely! I mentioned to her that I too might start a blog.( I love saying that because it sounds so official, like I have something to say, like I know what I'm talking about. Sweet friend had no clue I had NO idea of what I spoke.) In my best Blogger voice, I said " I'm thinking of starting a blog." Sweet friend was so enthusiastic, "That's awesome! What will you write about? Do you have a talent?". Just as enthusiastically, I replied, "No. I just have stuff to tell people!"
So...as I mentioned earlier, it was my birthday a couple of days ago. I am in Montana visiting my in-laws. My mother-in- law prepared a beautiful dinner. A Chinese dish with shrimp and UNfried rice.(Don't even ask, that is a story of it's own!) Afterwards, we had fortune cookies.
My fortune read: "Share your thoughts."
Now I am a blogger.


  1. Oh have we had fun, listening, laughing, watching, teasing and loving Heather as she begins her first journey as a blogger. Love you sweet daughter-in-law. Tot

  2. You do have "stuff to tell" and I'd follow you anywhere. Especially if there is DDP involved.
