I have a blog....I have a blog with only two posts! Wait...after this, it will be three!!
You see, I have never been a good planner... Never! I am a "fly by the seat of my pants" kind of girl. I use to deny it, but now I have chosen to embrace it! So in "planning" my blog, I did not take into account that I would be moving into a new house in a matter of days...but my fortune cookie told me to "share my thoughts"(refer to 1st post)... Well of course I had to do what it said. You can't tell a fortune cookie your too busy... It should know that, right? Right!So of course, I started my blog...
Please bear with me ...my posts may be few and far between for a couple of weeks...and maybe no one is reading this, so this may not even be a concern..but I'm going to pretend it does.
Now...I have been thinking about what is going to keep the interest of my dear reader, let's be optimistic, readers. I am not above bribery, so I do plan to have give-aways. What shall I give away....well, of that I'm not sure...details to follow.
Please keep checking in...sign up for the emails that will alert you when I have posted!! I just might have stuff to tell you!!!!
Wow, your thoughts are amazing. I really like the fortune cookie thing. Wow, imagine how one Chinese meal could change your life. I mean, if you didn't read the fortune, you wouldn't have bloggeg. Wow - crazy. Anyway......cool, keep sharing......people are interested